Hello there, today I have come up with a minor project i.e., the Student
Registration Portal. This project is basically for college students but with
minor changes school students can also use this. Now coming to the project,
first of all, I want you to tell that this project is based on the waterfall
model and this project has a total of six modules which I will discuss later
in this article. So let's get started.
Waterfall model:
The waterfall model is basically used for minor projects because it supports a
sequential approach i.e., we have to develop the project step by step. The
waterfall model is used basically for the existing systems where we have a
completer knowledge of all the modules as well as all the processes. The
biggest downside of the waterfall model is that if we have started developing
any module and there is some need for changes then that is not possible we
can't go back if the change is important then we have to completely recreate
the entire module from scratch. So this was a quick description of the
waterfall model now moving forward to our project.
Features of this project:
Complete form validation.
Password Encryption.
Invitation link generation.
Downloadable data as an excel file.
Complete responsive design.
Student Registration Portal:
In this project, I have tried to cover all the basic aspects of a minor
project like validation, password encryption, responsive design, database,
etc. Here we have a total of six modules and they are:
and Sign-up module.
Dashboard module
Add record module.
Modify record module.
Activity Module.
Settings module.
and Sign-up module:
This is the first page you will encounter(both teacher and student) when you
run the project. Students as well as Teachers both have to register as well
as log in to their account from this page only.
For students:
Registration and log in same as in any other system for students, no special
item has been added here.
For teachers:
Registration and log-in are a bit different for teachers. For security
purposes, you don't get any checkbox or radio button in this project instead
you have you use a keyword to verify yourself as a teacher. You have to use
this keyword as a prefix with your userid and you have to use the keyword
only when you are doing registration and not when you are logging in. Just
use your userid without the keyword. The keyword id "iamteacher@". For
example: while registering userid would be like "iamteacher@Aman" and while
at the time of login use only useid without keyword like "Aman".
Dashboard module:
This is the page where you will find all your details either be your personal
details or your academic details. But to view this page you have to first fill
in the form. This form is visible to both the students as well as the
Add module:
This is a specific page that is only visible to the students, teachers can't
access this page as well they won't be able to see this page too. However,
this page is visible to all the students but all the students won't be able to
use this page. This page is only utilized by those students who have the
invitation link as well as neither filled in the form. Rest all the students
will have a glance at the page but the page will be inactive so they can't do
anything. But those students who have filled in the form can modify their data
anytime no restriction for them.
Modify module:
The design of this page is the same as the Add Record module with a minor
change underneath. Here you can change the existing data and this page is
visible to both the teachers and students. Both can make changes to the
student records.
Activity module:
This module is only for the teacher's use. From here teachers can manage their
students. Generate invitation links, sort their students according to the exam
results in a table, download the sorted data into an excel file. They can even
modify the student details from here, delete the student records but they
can't add students.
Setting module:
This page is available to all. From here the user can change their userid.
404 page:
If anything goes wrong all the users will get this 404 page not found message.
How can I get the source code for this project